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Module 1A: Management Functions



The participant who has completed the module will be able to:

  • Understand the Quality Manual System developed and implemented by ICS Class to organize, manage and control the performance of survey and certification functions in order to verify compliance with requirements relevant to the tasks delegated to the Surveyors and Auditors authorized
  • Perform the survey and certification services in conformity with the correct procedures and instructions with the different types of ships and types of work according to the flag State requirements, RO’s rules and regulations, and international conventions and codes.


Provide a general knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the QMS of ICS Class as required in Resolution MEPC.237(65) – Code for Recognized Organization, through the procedures and work instructions to perform the surveys and certification services with the acceptance criteria established and according with the Rules, Technical Regulations, Customer Requirements and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements from Flag States Administrations.


The methods of assessment will be to choose the best answer from a selection of alternatives.

In the method of objective evaluation, only be accepted one correct answer is valid, and never more than one selection within the same question since they will be automatically considered incorrect.  The participants approve the course with a score equal to or greater than 70% of the total value of the assessment. All evaluations will be based on a Total Score of 100.


Module 1A – Management Functions (2019)

General Regulations for Supervision ( Rev 2020)

ICS Class Rules-Chapter 1-Classification (Rev 2020)

PO02-TI01 Instructive COVID-19 (Version 5, 06-2020)

PO02-P01 Technical supervision of ships in services (Ver. 02, 09-2021)

PO02-P03 Working at a safe work environment (Ver. 01, 10-2020)

PO02-P05 Port State Control ( Ver. 06, 04-2023)

PO02-P08 Suspension and reinstatement of class (Ver. 01, 10-2020)

PO02-TI10- Survey and Certificates- HSSC (Ver.05, 05-2023)

PO03-P01 Approval of Service Suppliers (Ver.03, 06-2023)

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Exam Questions

1. ICS Class is certified under the Standard:

2. During the planning of the QMS of ICS Class, the organization determined the following processes:

3. Top Management has determined that the strategic objectives are the quality objectives of the organization. These strategic and quality objectives can be resume as follow:

4. Top Management of ICS Class, is integrated by:

5. Is responsible for ensure that the issuance of the certificates is done according to the terms established in the process of revision of the contract and in the compliance with the time of delivery effected between ICS and the customer:

6. After the Principal Surveyor – Marine Division analyze the content of the information provided by the candidate and concluding its evaluation in suitable to be surveyor or auditor for the issuance of international/national certificates on behalf of ICS according to the following specifications:

7. The Procedure for Interim Certification (PO02 – 01), includes information related with:

8. For the acceptance of the results of the specialized services performed by the service suppliers, that are previously approved by ICS Class Head Office in accordance with the Requirements for Service Suppliers, the organization has developed the procedure for:

9. The type of surveys established in the International Conventions for statutory certificates are: Initial (I), Annual (A), Intermediate (In), Periodical (P), Inspection of the outside of the ship's bottom (B) and Additional (Ad).

10. Interim certificate is a certificate issued by the attending surveyor upon satisfactory completion of a survey. An interim certificate is issued valid for:

11. The Conditional Certificate can be issued by ICS surveyor with previous authorization of the Administration, with a validity of:

12. The verification of all necessary facilities and conditions for safe execution of the survey/audit on board a ship, including all personal safety regulations, paying special attention to the tanks and spaces which should be safe for access, i.e. gas free, ventilated, and sufficient illuminated, etc, is mandatory for all ICS surveyors or auditors:

13. Based on the Code of Ethics of ICS: No surveyor or auditor shall issue, stamp or endorse class, statutory or other documents without the performance of the respective surveys or audits and/or the required appropriate actions and without authorization granted by ICS-Head Office. The observance of the Code of Ethics is a mandatory requirement for surveyors/auditors and is an essential measure for safeguarding the reputation and integrity of ICS.

14. Administration means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, and Approved means approved by the Administration, according to SOLAS Convention, Chapter I, Regulations 2(b) and 2(c). In case of Panama flagged vessels, the Administration and Approved by the Administration is represented by the Panama Maritime Authority.

15. The objective of ship classification is to verify the structural strength and integrity of essential parts of the ship’s hull and its appendages, and the reliability and function of the propulsion and steering systems, power generation and those other features and auxiliary systems which have been built into the ship in order to maintain essential services on board, therefore, Classification Societies aim to achieve this objective through the development and application of their own Rules and by verifying compliance with international and/or national statutory regulations on behalf of flag Administrations.

16. A ship which is designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with the appropriate requirements of an organization, including a classification society, which is recognized by the Administration or with applicable national standards of the Administration, may be considered to provide an acceptable level of strength.